Robbie Lust Actor

About Me
Portfollio (pictures)
About Me

Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

basically I'm 15 years old, and I get very good grades. My average last year was 80.4%. I was involved with drama for 4 years, and I have taken begginers,intermediate, and advanced courses with Juli-Ann-Kay involving showcase study, acting, and improv. Here you will find some of my idols and interests.

I like in my spare time to watch movies, play basketball, searching on the internet,and chatting with friends.My idols in the acting industry are Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, and Julia Roberts, basically I chose these people because their way of acting is unlike anyone I have ever seen. In a split second they can turn into their character.I also Enjoy the films of Britney Murphy.
Growing up, I was a very active child with lots of energy, and now that I've become an Actor/Model, I can put that energy to good use.

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Favorite Stuff

In this area, I'll list some of the things that I like best, for example:

Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Music:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Sports Team:
Favorite Food:
People I Most Admire:

Favorite Quotes

In this area, I might include quotes I like or that I feel capture my feelings, for example:

The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.
-Henry David Thoreau